About Us

Opiates are among the deadliest and most widely used and abused drugs in the United States. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 3.8 million Americans ages 12 and older reported trying opiates at least once during their lifetimes, representing 1.5% of the total U.S. population ages 12 and older. Opiates are not a “hobbyist” drug; tragically, youth curiosity often leads to experimentation, addiction, and death.

The John Brower Jr. Foundation was established in 2015 by John and Jody Brower in memory of their son John, who lost his life to opiate addiction at the age of 25. Determination to turn their son’s passing into a positive force for change was the motivation to help create awareness about this opiate epidemic and provide help for those who do not have the means to help themselves. The John Brower Jr. Foundation will organize fundraising events to help raise awareness for young adults to overcome drug dependency and re-discover life before it is too late.
With the ongoing support and encouragement of caring people from around the globe, the John Brower Jr. Foundation will continue its mission to prevent drug use amongst teens and young adults, and to help young addicts get on the road to recovery. To learn more about the John Brower Jr. Foundation and to get involved, please contact us at johnbrowerjrfoundation@gmail.com.
Mission Statement
The John Brower Jr. Foundation aspires to become a premier provider of education and assistance in preventing lives from being lost to the horrific opiate and heroin epidemic that plagues our country. We have combined our efforts with those of programs such as The Outreach Program to help provide life-changing drug and alcohol abuse treatment services. We want to shed light on the current issues being faced every day while inspiring individuals and their families to achieve lives of awareness and unlimited potential.